There are many places we get blocked in our job search- not knowing where to start, needing a resume, or giving in to the belief that we don't have valuable skills to offer. These are three common "stuck points" that typically bring clients to their first career coaching meeting with us. While these challenges are real, they are not what's truly keeping people stuck. More often than not, it is the lack of a clear, focused, well-formed Vision of what job they want that is the primary reason our clients can't move forward in their search.
When you have a clear, exciting, focused Vision of the job you want, things begin to happen that you did not expect. Opportunities become apparent that were not there before, information to help you move forward seems to come out of nowhere, and people you did not realize could help you, reach out and make important connections.
One of our clients decided that he wanted to go back to school to get his Ph.D., and that afternoon, when the mail came, a brochure for a local college arrived, highlighting a Ph.D. program he was interested in.
Was this magic? Not really - just the power of our minds to discern information that is important to us.
During the course of our day we are bombarded with untold amounts of stimulus. It is the job of our brain to filter out information that is unimportant. Once we clearly define something as important, such as a Ph.D. program, our brain allows that information in.
This happens all the time. Have you ever decided that you wanted a certain kind of car? For example, you decide that you want a red jeep wrangler that you can drive onto the beach in the summer. Suddenly, or so it seems, you see red jeep wranglers everywhere - in the parking lot at the grocery store, driving down the highway, even on television. Advertisements for the jeep bombard you in the newspaper and on the internet.
So, how does this work in our job search? When we clearly focus on, define, and articulate what we truly want in our next job, our brain allows that information in, and we begin to see possibilities and opportunities everywhere, just like the red jeep. We get excited about the job search and we are able to do the hard work of writing a resume and networking. We are able to think about what we have to offer.
And, the first step in the process of creating a vision of your next job is to think about what skills, strengths and experiences you have, and what you really love to do. Then, write down a very specific, detailed description of your ideal job. Begin by asking yourself these questions:
What kinds of activities and tasks, when I am doing them, make me lose track of time?
What activities have kept me most energized?
What is the most satisfying part of any job for you?
When I imagine my ideal job, what am I doing, where am I doing it, and who am I doing it with?
A clearly defined Vision is like a magnet pulling you forward toward your goals. We help clients individually and in small groups think very specifically about what they really want in a next job. Once they can state their Vision, they can begin to move forward - and watch their possibilities expand!
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